Wednesday, October 10, 2007



"Music is the wine that fills the cup of silence"

Those who can create should, and for those of us who can't, we can always do our part by giving the artists in our life a little boost. Music is one of the art forms that, in some way, shape, or form, can be enjoyed by everyone in the world. With roots from any and all of the four directions, music finds its way into every aspect of our life. Show the musician in your life that their talent is appreciated this holiday season. The following is a list of gift ideas that will make them smile and perhaps give them at creative spark to produce the next great anthem for the ears of the masses.

First, we should look at what sells and what is successful from this standpoint; music fulfills the needs, wants, and desires of any group of fans because they identify with it. and they like a song because they can hum it in the shower. The one thing that all successful acts have in common when they cross over to mass appeal is great songs! This is true as well for the more edgy artists who seem to eek out a living from smaller fanbases. They still write compelling songs that touch the hearts and minds of their fans. (Whether or not you personally ‘like’ hit songs or not has nothing to do with it.)